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Continued from Page One

I smile thinking of my jovial and energetic friend, Beleric. A warrior of the Vale, he is always one to lend a hand when the odds are against you. Just the other day, he was watching my back as we were scouting out the Runnyeye Citadael for the Sheriff, and I was beset by a couple of the warriors of that place. No sooner had they attacked then my furry footed friend was throwing his body in harms way to give me a chance to recover. Luckily with his growing skills in the halberd we lived to adventure another day.

This fighter surprises me not with his steady and studied hand, but the in the way he observes his surrounding. One day while scouting, he was excited to show me something in the Citadael. I, of course, followed him, only getting lost a couple of times. He brought me around a corner in that evil place to find a waterfall. It was astounding to find such a thing in that place. It was crashing noisily through the roof to fall somewhere below our feet. As I stood there on that creaking, wooden ledge, I found a whole new outlook on my friend. Since then I have learned to pay close attention to his "observances". They are always astounding, and in this incredible world we call Norrath, there are many experiences and sights that are breathtaking and not always easily seen.

To Be Continued in the next issue...

~ Elorebaen